Weekly Graphs

Weekly Graphs

I hope everybody impacted by the PG&E power outages are back in full swing after weeks of random outages. I know my office was impacted as well and made for some creative game planning around the outages the last few weeks. In the foothill market area, generators have and will likely continue to become very desirable amenities needless to say.

Below are a few graphs from this week to share.

The first graph is a 4 Year Sales Chart of all 2-4 units in Roseville. I completed a fourplex appraisal, and as the graph shows, there has been very few fourplex unit sales. The upward price trend the last few years stands out for fourplexes.

The next graph is a 3 year sales chart from South Landpark for all 1425-2000sf SFRs. This residential neighborhood are mostly single-family homes, many of which were built in the mid-Twentieth Century. Interesting enough, some famous residents of the area include artist Wayne Thiebaud and the band Deftones. As the graph shows, this segmented market has leveled off like many areas recently.

Wish everybody a great weekend ahead!

Bryan Lynch
Certified Real Estate Appraiser
Office: 530-878-1688
Roseville Office : Auburn Office

Disclaimer: All information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The information is meant entirely for educational purposes and casual reading only and is NOT intended for any other use.  This information is NOT intended to support an opinion of value for your appraisal needs or any sort of value conclusion for a loan, litigation, tax appeal or other potential real estate or non real estate purpose. This appraiser is NOT a qualified home inspector and any tips are for informative purposes only. If you’d like to obtain and order an appraisal for your specific needs, please contact Bryan at 530-878-1688 for more information.

  • Joe Lynch
    Posted at 09:08h, 08 November

    Love the Deftones!

    • Bryan Lynch
      Posted at 09:22h, 08 November

      Yeah, I was surprised to read that!